All posts by: Georgi Prangov

AI in Healthcare, London – AI in action, L3C initiative

by in Artificial Intelligence, Events, L3C Events

14 MARCH 2019 | ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE, LONDON L3C AI in ActIon series shows how AI and Machine Learning are actually being deployed. Our healthcare event brings together experts from the healthcare industry, technology providers and specialist solution providers to discuss real challenges and use cases. Find out more here: AI in Action Healthcare

AI Unleashing Business Perspectives

by in Artificial Intelligence

From promising to revolutionise the market research and retail shopping through the way of operating in financial services to enabling personalized medicine or redefining the automotive industry, not surprisingly, corporate leaders see AI as essential for their businesses. Astounding growth over 10 years A study by market intelligence company – Tractica, sees yearly AI revenue in the world […]

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