Monthly Archives: March 2025

A Short Way to Reliable Oracle RAC in Skytap

by in AIX, Azure, High Availability, Migration, Power, Skytap, Skytap on Azure

Introduction Most of our projects within Skytap on Azure have been related to AIX and Oracle workloads. In a lot of these scenarios complex clustered environments have been part of the project with clients looking to see how we will migrate, implement and support such clustering within Skytap. There have been some misunderstandings and myths […]

Migration of iSeries to Public Power Clouds using Commvault

by in AS/400, Azure, Backup, Cloud Computing, IBM Cloud, iSeries, Migration, Skytap, Skytap on Azure

Intro Over the years. we have been requested by customers and partners on many occasions what is the best approach to migrate iSeries workloads into the public Power-based clouds (mostly Skytap and IBM Cloud PowerVS). Obviously there are numerous approaches from an ongoing replication to physical transfer of data on media, which are not for […]

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